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OCLC Wise Support NL

How to: retrieve updated title information from Wise

This scenario describes how to retrieve updated title information from Wise in order to synchronize title and item information with an external system.

Step 1: Authenticate 

Get an access token by logging in as a staff user in the Wise Rest-API. See Authentication for more information 

Step 2 : Get a list of updated titles

/title/changed endpoint will respond with all title numbers which are updated since a given date.

In the request body you can specify a date and a list of branches :  {'since': "2023-01-01", 'branchIds': "9061,0727,9059,6292"}

By specifying one or more branches, the endpoint will look for updated titles which have one or more items linked to this title. If there is no item of the specified branches, it will not be in the response.

Step 3 : Retrieve the title information in MarcXML format

With the list of title numbers you can request other endpoints for the title information. If you want to export the title information in MarcXML you can call


This endpoint can export  a maximum of 100 titles per request. By specifying the includeHoldings parameters, the data will include the items (holdings).

If you want only items of certain branches, then branchIds parameter can be used : ?includeHoldings=True&branchIds=9061,0727,9059,6292



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