Connecting to Wise
You will need to connect your development J4 site to either your TEST Wise instance or your Acceptance Wise instance during development of your J4 site.
- Install the Joomla Wise Joomla 4 extension package.
- Go to Extensions > Plugins and enable the Wise System and Authentication plugins.
- Go to Menus > Wise Menu (you may already have menu items established in a different menu depending on how you did your migration).
- Create two new Menu Items:
- One for Wise Apps
- One for Catalog Wrapper (formerly we used a Joomla core iframe wrapper menu item type)
Wise Apps is the same as it was in Joomla 3.
Nothing special to do with Wise Apps except to make sure that the Alias is "wise-apps". - For the Catalog Wrapper, create a new Menu Item Type of Wise > Wise wrapper
- Enter the Title of your choosing and make sure that the Alias is "catalog".
- In the Scroll bar parameters tab, set the Height to 700 (or whatever you find works best for your template).
- Click 'Save & Close'.
- Go to Components > Wise > General options.
- Enter your same information you have in your J3 site. The SSO key may need to change. Our DevOps people will tell you the correct SSO key and Wise Server name to use. For now, use the existing SSO key from your J3 site. You will need to select he Wise Wrapper page Menu Item (/catalog) and the Catalog page Menu Item (/wise-apps) in those drop-downs. This image is an example of the Wise Configuration settings.
- Click 'Save & Close'.
- On the Joomla server, if not already in place, add the following rules into your .htaccess file after
##Begin - Custom redirects
and before##End - Custom redirects
make sure to change the server with the Wise server you are connecting with.# REWRITE FOR portal_via_website_uri REDIRECT RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/catalog/wise-apps/(.*) RewriteRule .* /wise-apps/%1 [R,L] # NEW REWRITE FOR WISE-APPS RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wise-apps/([\w\.\-]+) RewriteRule .* index.php?option=com_wise&view=wiseapps&wiseapp=%1 [L] # NEW REWRITE FOR WISE-VENDOR (translations angular locale) RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/wise-vendor/(.*) RewriteRule .* [L] * and the following for the security department *
<Files ./LICENSE.txt> Order Allow,Deny Deny from all </Files> <Files ./README.txt> Order Allow,Deny Deny from all </Files> <Files ./icons/README.txt> Order Allow,Deny Deny from all </Files> <Files ./icons/README.html> Order Allow,Deny Deny from all </Files>
- Make sure allow_url_fopen is On in php.ini on your Joomla server.
- Open a Zendesk ticket to get your Joomla site connected to Wise. When you do so, please provide the following information:
- The domain name of your Joomla development site
- The IP address of the server your Joomla development site is hosted on
- A screen capture of your Wise Configuration settings (like in the image above)
- The Wise server you would like the Joomla 4 development site to connect to e.g. wisetest or wiseaccept. - OCLC will work with you on the connection. You should then be able to login, navigate Mijn Menu, and logout.
- We will provide you with:
- The Wise Server name
- SSO Key